Notice of Public Hearing
Proposed Material Change to Claystone Waste Ltd. Municipally Controlled Corporation Business Plan
It is the intention of Town of Viking Council to consider a Material Change to the Business Plan of Claystone Waste Ltd., a Municipally Controlled Corporation. The purpose of the Material Change in the Business Plan is to enable Claystone Waste Ltd. and Claystone Waste Limited Partnership to incorporate or acquire a subsidiary or subsidiary corporations, to acquire or establish partnerships and interests in partnerships, to enter into joint venture arrangements, leases and other forms of arrangements with third parties. This proposed Material Change will allow Claystone Waste Ltd. and the Claystone Waste Limited Partnership to manage risk more effectively and to provide more flexibility and efficiency in carrying out the goals and objectives set out in the Business Plan. Any subsidiary, partnership, joint venture, lease or any other arrangement will be bound by and subject the Business Plan as approved.
The Public Hearing will occur at 5:45 PM, Monday, March 20th, 5120 45 Street, Viking Council Chamber, Second Floor Louis Sutter Meeting Room. Viking Alberta.
Further information, including the Municipally Controlled Corporation Business Plan, and supporting documentation can be viewed here:
- Claystone Business Plan and Proposed Material Change Overview
- Municipally Controlled Corporation Business Plan
or at the Town of Viking office, 5120 45 Street, Viking Alberta.